
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

It's been a very good week for me. Sunday was my race and I worked Monday. Tuesday was a super super easy bike ride in the evening (avg 10.5mph). Wednesday morning I tried my first post tri run and did just 2 miles. Again super super easy. Then I went to Wal Mart, got my oil changed and groceries shopped. Came home and took a nice long nap. I was still tired from everything. Thursday I was going to try to run again but 6am came around and I just turned the alarm clock off. My body was telling me no as was my mind. It said "I hurt please don't do this to me" so I said OK body, I'll be kind to you today. So I slept in until about 0730 then hung around the house all morning getting caught up on laundry and swam a super super easy workout later that day. I also lifted weights. It's Saturday and I'm still sore from that venture. ha!

Friday brought another easy bike ride. It was also our city's bike to work day so we rode down to the train station and got a bunch of goodies and some breakfast. It was really nice. Friday night was also date night so the hubby and I went out for dinner, walked around the mall, and went to see Angels and Deamons. I've read this book before and really liked it so I was psyched about the movie. Since I already knew what was going to happen it kind of took the trill out of it in that aspect but otherwise it was good. Go see it.

I woke up this morning at about 0615 and rolled out of bed about 15 minutes later. I remember hearing on the news that we may get some storms so I wasn't surprised to wake up to wind. Well, the storms are on the other side of the mountain so that is what we have. Wind. Yuck. Luckily on the schedule today was only a 3.3 mile run. Yay! Going up this good hill was pretty bad though because that is when the wind was to our faces. Boooo!!! On the other side of our loop it was good though. Downhill with a tail wind. Talk about a relief! :-)

So that's my week.

I start nursing school again this Tuesday. Everyone is asking me if I'm excited and actually no, I'm not. I really enjoy having the time to spend with my friends and it makes me sad to know that is going away next week. I do know it's not forever and if I didn't do this now, I would never fulfill my dream of being a nurse so it makes it so worth it in many many ways.

The other question I get a lot is how do I manage to train for half marathons, triathlons, go to school full time, and work.

Well first off, I only work one day a week which is Monday and I work at the hospital for about 13 hours (a standard shift) so I know on Monday that I am not doing any working out. I have school on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri but it's a set schedule. This semester I don't have to be at school until 11:30am so it leaves me the most productive part of the day to get my workouts in. Thursday and Friday are clinical days in which I will have to be at the hospital at 0700 but I get out at 2 or 3 (not sure of the exact time for this semester yet) so that leaves me the afternoon to study and get a quick workout in and I mean quick.

So this is what a typical week looks like for me:

Sunday: long bike ride and weights. go home, clean up, study and prepare for my week

Monday: work all day

Tuesday: moderate speed work am, school, right after school to go gym for easy/form swim workout

Wednesday: easy run in am, school, go pickup patient assignment, do care plan and study

Thursday: clinical am, brick workout in pm

Friday: clinical am, long endurance swim pm

Saturday: long run/coach, church pm

So when you look at it, the schedule isn't that bad at all. It leaves an ample amount of time for studying and sleeping. Housework usually gets neglected while I'm in school although I do my best. It just takes some discipline to stick to it but in the end it's really worth every ounce I put into it.

It's easy do do what I do because I LOVE WHAT I DO and I see VALUE in everything around me.

The diet: yes it's getting cleaned up and I'm down a few pounds this week which I'm really happy about. My diet goal is to be 20 pounds lighter for the Chile Harvest Triathlon August 1st. I've started eating smaller meals more frequently and eating like I did when I lost all my weight the first time (no, I haven't gained any back either...I've just maintained for about 5 years now) so my body is falling back into this routine very nicely. I've found that even when I do sit down to a big meal I'm not eating it all because I get full that fast from keeping my metabolism up by eating as frequently as I do.

The pivital point this week was just purging my cabinets of the junk food such as potato chips and stuff like that. It's still not perfect but if I can keep my good clean eating 90% of the time and cheat on say, 3 meals a week (not days!) I'm super happy with that.


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About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
