Just participated in tournament #2 yesterday. My first tournament I had to sit out on half the events because of my broken elbow so it was my first time competing (i use the term loosely) in all 4 events...patterns, sparring, power breaking, technique breaking.
I was put in the bracket with all the teenage/adult guys so that is why I use the term competing loosely. It wouldn't have been fair to put me in the girls bracket becuase I think I would have swept it because of my size. I am the only adult female at the school right now who is doing tae kwon do. Makes things a little tricky every now and again.
Patterns was our first event and it went really well for me. I was nervous about going up against one person but other than that, I just went out there with my game face on and did what I knew I could do. I ended up sweeping the bracket, never losing a round and having all 3 judges vote for me each time I was up. That felt really good. I'd really like to see where I end up in a tournament that is bigger because I think it would be interesting and a ton of fun.
Next up was sparring. I wasn't mentally prepared for sparring and when I showed up to the tournament to warm up, I was told we were going to spar each other. I was not in the mindset to spar. At all. It was really sad and I'm a little upset at myself for not placing at least 3rd in this category. I really should have and I think I have the ability to but I let my mind win and take over. Not cool. Not cool at all.
I went up for three rounds. Remember I'm the only girl in this group. I won my first round which I was really happy about. My second round I went up against a guy who I know is a really awesome fighter. I really tried my best but he beat me. On my third round I went up against a guy that I should have kicked the crap out of but at that point my mind had totally taken over and taken a vacation. It was such a terrible round that I embarassed even thinking about it. I know I could have gone in there and really opened up on him but I didn't. If I had gone in on him, I would have been a contender for 3rd place.
I learned a lot about sparring. I know I made mistakes, some major, that I am going to learn from and not make again.
The last two events were breaking events where male genetics will outdo female genetics every time.
Power breaking. This is another of my favorite events. We had to do a side kick and a downward fist. I knew I had the side kick in the bag as far as being able to break a lot of boards. I feel like the kick I did was one of the best I've done in a long time. I feel like I put all of my power and speed into it. It felt fantastic!!! I broke all 3 boards.
I was nervous about the downward fist because I had only got to practice the break once during class and it was my first time attempting to do this break with my right hand. In the last tournament I participated in, I did a downward knife hand with my left hand because of my broken elbow. I'm actually very happy with how I did considering the lack of practice I had with it. The station was set up with 3 boards and I was able to get full points on two of them.
At the end of this round I was told I missed placing by two points!!!!!!!!!!!! That would have been so awesome to place in power breaking in the guys category!
The last event was my absolute worst but I did enjoy it and I tried my best. It was technique breaking. We had to do a flying side kick and a jumping front kick. The flying side kick is a mental game for me and the more I do it, the more I conquer myself. I was able to perform the kick on the first round really well. I felt like I hit the board very square on. Round two we had to jump a little farther and I didn't make it. What kills me about this is that I know I can do it with more practice and I enjoy it so much I want to do it again.
The jumping front kick I really thought I would be able to do but this is another one that I have done less than I would like....I got to try it twice before the tournament. I think with practice I could have a shot at this too. I just need to do it more.
All in all it turned out to be a good day and I learned so much about all of the events that I will carry forward.
Now it's time to heal up my shins. They're pretty bruised up from sparring and my left ankle is giving me problems again. Other than that, I'm feeling good and ready to go again.
The more competitions I do between now and Brazil, the more I will learn and grow, and the more prepared I will be to kick some ass.
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