
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

So tomorrow is the big "date" with the scale. We'll see how it goes. What's funny is that I realize that I really shouldn't go by weight but it's good motivation for me to see those numbers go down.

All in all, the really important factor is going to be when I "undergrow" my clothes and I have to start buying new ones but without taking measurements and whatnot, how do I know I'm making progress?

I could go by how I feel but I'm such a numbers dork that I'm more motivated by numbers than that. Number of pounds I weigh, the number (size) of my clothes, the size of my waist, thighs, upper arms, hips, and the list goes on. If I really wanted to, I could totally surround myself in numbers but then I may end up in a corner in the fetal position from too much stimulation.

So what is the point of all of this you ask? MODERATION! Moderation in everything!

Today I broke down and just couldn't take it anymore. The husband and I went to breakfast this morning and talked over the morning paper. It was so nice. We used to do this quite regularly before I started running so it was like old times. Because of this, I allwed myself to have a little more than usual (aka "cheat" btw, I loathe that word). Sometimes you just need to but I don't always do this (think moderation).

After breakfast he went to work and went to work out at the gym. It was so nice. I've been going absolutely insane not being able to run. It's really had an effect on all aspects of my life because I'm not getting my usual endorphin rush. I'm missing my rush so much that I gave in and did the eliptical today for 20 minutes after my weight workout.

Now don't go freaking out on me. I got the OK from the doctor to do this! He said I can cycle for 20 minutes, use the eliptical for 20 minutes, or swim all I want (I don't think he realized when he said I could swim all I want that it meant a minimum of an hour at a time but anyhow...... :) )

After doing this I feel almost human. I hit the eliptical at a moderate level of intensity. I have to say that it was quite ackward to do the eliptical in the boot. Not being able to move my ankle through it's full range of motion really put my balance off so I had to hold on to the bars the whole time but I managed. While I was on the eliptical I acutally felt human for the first time in two weeks. It was wonderful!!!!!

Today I also started my Learn To Chin program where the eventual goal is to be able to do wide grip, real pull ups or chins. Let's just say I have quite a ways to go. I got the program out of one of my Oxygen magazines. It says to use a Smith machine to start and you put the bar so that when your hands are on it with your arms extended, your butt is a few inches off the ground and then you pull yourself up. Much easier said than done.

I did my upper body routine with free weights and then went to this so I was already tired. I hit the weights pretty good today. The first set of these went great! I was able to knock out 6 in a row! Woot! The second set was a bit harder and I barely squeaked that 6th rep out. Come the third set, I was toast! I barely made 3 reps before I just couldn't anymore.

Yes, I am definately a work in progress but I'd really like to be able to do a pull up. I've only ever done one real one in my whole life and that is when I was 15 and was very lean.


No worries about breakfast! Like you said - moderation is key! You'll drive yourself nuts if you don't let yourself enjoy life every once in a while! FYI though, I think you're gorgeous the way you are right this second!

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About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
