Watch out Albuquerque Fit folks! Terie's back (but not as a coach)!!! Hahahahahaha!
It felt good to be out with the group again. I've sure missed all these people! I needed the break but I'm so ready to do this again.
Right now I have no race plans. I'm just running to run so there is no pressure either way to run more, harder, faster. I'm going to run what I run and that's how it goes.
I ran with the half marathon people today. I did 3 miles. That was enough. Any more and I think I would have been too tired. Can you believe that? Tired after only 3 miles?!?!?!?!?! How crazy is that?!?!?!?! Needless to say, I have to build my base back up before I think of doing anything big. Right now the only thing on the radar is Boulder Boulder over Memorial Day weekend. Even if I end up walking that, I'm perfectly OK with that. I'm just excited to be back.
I'm oficially signed up for the 10k program but they start at 2 miles so the plan right now is to follow the beginner HM program until they get to 6 miles wich will be in about a month and then I will evaluate from there how I feel and how things are going and make a decision on if I will continue with the half program or modify it to keep me in shape for a 10k.
The reason I'm not trying to push it is because running is for fun and to enjoy. Plus tae kwon do is still my primary sport. I LOVE it and if I let running take over, there will be no time for TKD which would be tragic.
Off to church I head now. I'm singing in the choir for the first time in about 6 months or so. This is going to be fun!
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