
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

I've been wanting to lose these last 20 pounds for way too long now and finally decided it is time to do it.  I joined Weight Watchers. 

I've only been tracking for a few days and had my first weigh in/meeting last night.  I like the environmen!  The meeting leader's name is Keri (or however she spells it) and she seems to be very realistic and fun.

I thought walking in there that I would be the only younger person in there.  I was wrong!  Granted, it IS mostly older women in there but it's nicely sprinkled with those of us without grey hair as well.

Last night someone recieved their lifetime membership.  She lost 70 pounds and some change in 10 months!  She looked so good.  It was inspiring seeing that. 

They also hand out little "rewards" as you lose.  For every 5 pounds you lose, they give you a sticker that you can put wherever you like.  I plan on putting mine in my weight tracker as a reminder of my hard work.  Then you get rewards for losing 5% of your body weight (my first goal), 10% (my second goal), and then you get a reward for reaching your goal.  If I remember right, once you stay at your goal for 6 weeks, then you can become a lifetime member.

What I like about this program (not having done the old one ever...I lost my first 70lbs on my own) is that they point out what they call power foods, I call them clean foods.  They tell us it's "the most bang for our buck."  I love that they are trying to get people to eat more healthy food like that.

Fruits and most veggies are also zero points!!!  I've always liked eating those but now that I'm tracking points, it's that little extra incentive to eat even more.   Last night, for example, I had eaten at Chick-fil-a for dinner.  I ordered a grilled chicken and fries, yes I tracked it.  That took up the last of my points for the day plus a few extra.  I was hungry last night before bed but didn't want to add any more extra points than I already did so instead of snacking on triscuits, I opened up a can of fruit and then went to bed.  It was nice that I got to eat and didn't have to add any more points to my daily total.

Let's be real about this though.  Weight Watchers is nothing special or any different than eating good and reducing calories.  What is different from say, sparkpeople.com is the support and extra stuff that you get.

I was searching for quick meal ideas for breakfast and lunch for when I work because that is really hard for me.  I found a place on the online tools that has quick meal ideas and it's right up my ally!  They're quick, easy, and something that I can put together before I go to work.

It seems that everything I was lacking on sparkpeople.com has been included in WW (so far).

I also like the idea of weekly meetings.  It gives me a little extra edge to know that someone is going to be holdin me accountable for what I put into my mouth for a week.  I can't wait until I get to put my first 5lb's lost sticker on my weight tracker.

I also like the fact that I know I will have support to help me lose weight after I have a baby.  They don't want you on the program while pregnant, understandably so.  What they do is put your membership on hold and you go back when you get clearance from your Dr.  One of my fears has been weight gain with pregnancy and it really eases a lot of that anxiety knowing that I will have something to look forward to to help me with that when it's over.

Wish me luck.  I think I've made a good decision.


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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
