
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

I never thought I would write a blog about this but it's something that I need to get out because it bothers me.

I woke up this morning feeling very good about myself which I have to admit, doesn't happen often. I remember thinking as I was taking off my wedding ring to put on my "substitute" for clinicals that I could never go without my ring because of it's significance of the commitment that I made to my husband before God and my family. My wedding ring, no matter if it's the original or the substitute is that constant reminder of that commitment that I made almost 7 years ago.

So I get to clinicals today feeling very well about myself and I was excited to see I would be working with a particular nurse who was very helpful to me yesterday. I learned a lot from this person.

I got report from him and started my day. I made sure to communicate to him what I was doing with the pt and how the pt was responding. As an RN, I would want my students to do the same for me. I treated this person like I would anyone else.

We had a mistake that was made on the previous shift that the doctor got very upset about and I can't blame him so to see how we would fix it, I went through every step with the nurse. I wanted to learn what I would need to do when I graduate. It was a genuine interest in the process so we went to the kitchen to fix what needed to be fixed and then there is an incident report that needs to be filled out so I asked him to let me know when he got to a point where he could fill it out and I could watch, again to learn from this experience.

All went well with that. This person was working only a half shift and he said he wanted to talk to me about something before he left so I was thinking that he had some pointers or something nursing related to talk to me about so I said OK. If things calm down, I'll come talk to you.

Things didn't calm down and I was in the pt's room doing a bed bath when he comes in (I'm assuming to find me but I'm not sure). As I'm cleaning up, we're talking about work and stuff (I work at the same hospital family where I"m doing clinicals, just a different location) and then he asks me for my number.

I should have known better but at the time I thought it was so that we could hang out some time as friends. You know, like get a group together to just chill. That sort of thing.

Then I'm sitting in post conference with everyone and my phone beeps at me three times. I had forgotten to turn it off in the morning since I didn't carry it in my pocket today. This was odd because normally I carry my phone with me.

Anyhow....I turn bright red and apologize profusely but my instructor told me I could look at it so I did and my heart just sank.

I got a text message (well, actually 3) from this person saying basically that they knew I was married but he thought blah blah blah and wanted to take me out on a date. He even finished it with "I'm not optimistic"

It just dumbfounds me that someone would do this. It makes me totally question their moral character. I remember him asking me several times throughout the day if I was married and I said yes. He even asked me how many years I was married for and I told him. I never tried to hide it because I'm proud of my marriage and my husband.

In my heart I really feel like satan found me at somewhat of a weak point (not thinking clearly) and tried to get me to stray away from God but I wasn't about to falter. This was the first thing that came to my mind.

I talked to a friend after class and she mentioned how as a christian we will get challenged more and I was telling her how I have never had this happen to me before in my 7 years of marriage.

I told her I have only been going to church for about 2 years and maybe that's why it didn't happen before this.

The whole situation just makes me uncomfortable. I can't believe that someone would would do something like this knowing I'm married. That's why I believe satan was at work here.

The nice thing for me to find out is how quickly I turned to God. I didn't even have to think about it, it was second nature. I find peace in that I was able to turn to God so quickly. When I invited him back into my life, I meant it and today I found out just how much it means to me to have God in my life. If it weren't for God, I may have fallen into temptation. Who knows but I know with God by my side and with my ears open to his voice, I will always be led down the right path if I listen.

I'm so glad I listened today.

Quote from a favorite song of mine:

"Joy unspeakable that won't go away.
Just enough strength to live for today,
I'll never have to worry what tomorrow will bring,
'Cause my faith is on a solid rock,
I'm counting on God"


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About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
