
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

Pretty much sums it all up.

Got a new job and I'm nervous. I got a nurse extern position at the other big hospital here in town (I work at the other big one). I'm excited but I feel off at the same time. I really like where I work now but they don't have nurse extern positions so I had no choice but to look other places which sucks. I was really hoping to not have to do that but it is what it is.

I'm still apprehensive about it though. It sounds like I'm going to be a floating tech, more or less. I figure I'm going to try it for a while and if it's not working out, I'll quit and go back to working my usual schedule at the usual place. Even if it does work out, I'm still keeping my position at the usual place. It's a good thing because I'll have a foot in at each place which opens up more opportunities for me when I graduate. The new job pays quite a bit more than the other job and if I stay at the new job, the education benefits blow the other place out of the water by a looonnnngggg shot!

We'll see. I don't start for another three weeks because I needed to finish some things up at the other place so my start date is July 13.

Another good thing is that I'll be able to wear printed scrubs. There is no color coded dress code. It's a good and a bad but I'm excited because I'll get to wear something different. I'm going to go pick up a few things here in a few weeks since most of what I have is monochromatic. I definately need some new pants and I may end up buying a few tops as well just because.... :-)

OMG! We had probably the worst lecture ever today and we have to endure it again tomorrow. I'm so not looking forward to going. If it's as bad as today's lecture I'm going to pop out the book and just read my book in class.

The lady who lectured today is terrible! She's very very s l o w in speech and sounds like Ben Stein (monotone) but to top it all off......she's literally trying to teach us all stuff that we have had already! I got nothing new out of the lectures today! None of us did!

One of my good friends sits in front of me and she's normally more attentive than I am and even she was squirming in her seat!

I retorted to coloring with my highlighters. Maybe tomorrow I'll bring colored pencils! Ha!

I have no clue what we were supposed to get out of this lecture except a case of severe boredom!

OK, I feel better.

I am going to go do my speedwork tonight at the store since I had atest this morning and of course it's really really hot so it will be an interesting workout. Oh well. I'm planning on buying this super cool bright orange shirt there so that's something to look forward to. Plus I get to see my friends. Yay!

I'm amazed at how I've lost my running legs. I did 7 miles last Saturday while my group did 5. My legs gave out way before my lungs! I never used to have this problem and it really threw me for a loop!!!!! The good news is that cardiovascularly, I'm in great shape! Now I just have to get my legs back on board which I'm thinking will happen here soon.

I'm supposed to run 8 miles this Saturday and then the week after that is a recovery week so I'm thinking I'll see some difference in my legs then.

I really need to get signed up for my next tri and soon since it involves staying in a hotel! I also need to sign up for the Denver half marathon but I still have some more time before that comes around.

I finally got my first magazine for my Oxygen subscription! yay! I'm so excited! I totally heart this magazine in an awesome way! The models they show are so inspirational. I like to daydream and visualize myself looking like they do! IT does absolute wonders for me when trying to lose weight. Plus there are workouts and food ideas to go with it.


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About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
