
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

I saw this on a message board that I like to hang out on and it just stuck.

This is how I feel as a new nurse.  I've had to fake my confidence.  It's still not all there because there is so much I don't know about but it's getting there.  I'm able to speak to parents with more knowledge in my arsenal which also makes me more confident in what I'm telling them and hopefully that will help them have confidence in me as I take care of their tiny one.

I've been taking care of more chronic kids lately and am ready to go back to higher acuity.

That's what I like about working where I do.  Yes it is a critical care environment but we really see different spectrums of care from the super critically ill 1:1 patient to our more chronic kids who still need our care because things can go wrong very quickly, of course, but are pretty stable on the grand scheme of things.

I think I would get burnt out if we had all super critical kids all the time or if we had more of the chronic type all the time.  The variety keeps me thinking in different ways and I really appreciate that.

Over the past two weeks I've had two orthodontic consulatations for braces.  I'm super exctied to be able to get them.  I'm amazed at the cost difference between the two different docs I visited.  They both offered the same treatment in the same amount of time.  There was about a 1500-2000 dollar difference though.

It seems the only difference between the two was the office.  Both of their before and after pictures looked absolutely fantastic.  Nice neat and precise work.  Dr #1 has a brand new office which is a 5 minute drive from my house.  It is very nice but to the point.  Not a lot of extras which is just fine for me.

Dr #2's office was amazing.  It was very modern and inviting.  There was pretty awesome music being played in the reception area.  They had a tray of cookies out for patients, two different sinks you could use to brush your teeth.  The sinks were really neat looking, something like you would see in a nice custom built home.  There was a pretty big tropical fish tank in the office built into the wall.  Outside the consultation room, there were actually video games like you would see in an arcade!  In a dentists office!!!!!!

Can you guess which dentist/orthodontist charged more????  Yeah, nuff said.

I did like Dr #2 but I cannot justify spending that much more.  If it were only a $500 difference, I could totally justify going to Dr #2 if I had wanted too.

As an adult it was kind of rediculous to me to see arcade games in his office.  The whole thing seemed so over the top that I wonder if he's trying to make up for something or if he's really that popular and successful.  It was very "showy" to me. 

I go for my second weigh in with Weight Watchers tomorrow.  Will be interesting to see if I've lost anything.  I think I have.

I weigh myself at home pretty regularly and the past several times I've weighed myself, the scale has been reading 2-2.5 pounds lighter.  I hope the WW scales pick up the same thing.  I'm not tracking my weight at home on anything because it's the weigh in at WW that counts toward my goal.

I admit I have a hard time sticking to my daily points allowance.  The good news is that I'm tracking everything that has been going into my mouth.  That has made a difference in my food choices.  I also earn a lot of activity points from working out so I only used 15 of my weekly allowance points on top of using all my activity points.  I'm very happy about that.

I also wear a pedometer at work that calcualtes points as well so I'm getting activity points every day I'm at work.  I really like that a lot.


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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
