
I'm a new nurse starting my fist job in a level 3 NICU and am scared out of my mind! I also lead a very active life. I run, do triathlons, cycle, swim, and just recently added Tae Kwon Do to my arsenal of fun things to do.

So this past Sunday, May 10, 2009 I completed my first ever triathlon. It was such a blast!

I stated the day at about 5am. I wanted to leave the house at 0530 to be at the gate to Kirtland AFB by 0600 when it opened. Goal met. Got through security to get on the base (it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be), found a place to park and then waited just a few minutes for Denise to catch up.

We got all of our gear out of our cars and headed over to the transition area to get it set up. Valerie joined us while we were setting up.

We decided to go with the rack that would be near the bike transition so we wouldn’t have to run with our bikes that far. I think next year when I do this race I am going to go more toward the back so I don’t have to run as far barefoot for the swim. Ouch!

Surprisingly I wasn’t too anxious while getting everything set up. It was nice getting there so early. The transition area opened up at 0630 and we were some of the first people in so we had our choice of racks. Yay!

Slowly people started to show up from Albuquerque Fit. It was so cool to see so many of us! Some I didn’t even know did tri’s and I found out they have done this tri 11 times!!! Very cool!

We went inside to see if Denise could change categories. No go which was really sucky. After we did that we went to check out the pool so we would know what we were getting ourselves into. The pool wasn’t all that bad. The only tough part is that the lane lines were really pale and the actual lanes were a little more narrow than what I was used to swimming in.

We waited around forever it seemed like! I went and talked to the head ref and asked him what wave I should be in. I didn’t get to start until the 3rd wave which went off at 0840!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was already hot and I had sweat rolling down my back while waiting to go. I knew that right off the bat this wouldn’t be my best run ever and that I should take it easy and push on the bike and the swim. That’s exactly what I did.

I made the classic mistake of going out too fast on the run but quickly slowed it down. Somewhere around the 1 mile mark I found someone from Albuquerque Fit and ran with them for about a half mile to the water station. I took several walk breaks to this point. I took a little longer walk break at the water station to drink some water (only drank one small Dixie cup……stupid me!) and pour some water over my head. Then I found someone else to run with who was going at a very comfortable pace (for me) and hung out with her for about a half mile to keep myself in check. With less than a mile to go I broke away from her and picked up the pace again all the way to the transition area. I had my eye on a target to pass and I successfully passed her shortly before reaching the turn to the transition area. Yay!

Everything was very clearly and nicely marked with volunteers at all of the turns telling us where to go.

It was funny because on the run a lady passed me and said to me “You’re a swimmer huh?” I asked her if it was that obvious and she just smiles. Now I’m curious why she asked. I’m thinking it’s because of all the walk breaks I took. Ha!

I was not in good running shape for the race so the run was the hardest part for me.

I get to the transition area and am keeping my eye to my left for my orange towel with flowers on it (thanks for the idea of an orange towel Marc! It worked like a charm!) I spot it in no time, put my helmet on, roll my bike off the rack, grab a drink, and I’m out of the transition area in 1:08! Whew! That was a fast transition! I did not change shoes. I have cage pedals on my bike right now.

So I’m off on the bike. The first thing I do is drink the Amino Vital that I have in my water bottle and that I trained with. In training it was great! In racing it didn’t stick with my stomach so well so it was either keep drinking it and get sick or stop drinking it and take my chances. I stopped drinking.

During this time I’m picking up speed and passing people like mad. It felt so good! I was ready and excited for the bike!

The bike is on a Y shaped course so I’m on the first leg of the Y and I’m really picking up speed trying to pass this lady. As soon as I know it, I see the turnaround with a volunteer there and she calls out my number. All I could think is “Oh crap, I hope I didn’t just get a penalty!” I was fairly close to the lady I was trying to pass at this point. Right after the turnaround I stood up, huffed it out, and passed her. Then I missed the turn to get out of the parking lot and had to brake to make it. She passed me right back. J LMAO!!!!!! I ended up staying close behind her for the rest of the ride.

This ride was freakin hilly and I’m so glad that I rode the hills that I did! If I didn’t I would have suffered BAD!

Picture this…………. You’re a rider on a nice road bike when next thing you know it some chick on a PINK mountain bike comes barreling past you like you were standing still. Yeah…that’s me on the mountain bike baby!!!!!!!! I can only imagine what I could do on a real road or tri bike!

We had a little bit of a headwind coming back off of the first leg of the Y. The second leg of the Y was the most hilly! I made awesome time going out on the second leg. There was this one hill that I absolutely flew down! I dropped down as far as I could to gain as much speed as possible. It was so much fun! Of course I had to ride this hill back UP! I managed to stay in my big sprocket in the front but barely! I was so tempted to downshift but I knew I could do it and I just gave it all I had to get up that hill. I managed to pass several people on this hill as well and only got passed once but one I topped the hill I passed that person right back. ZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Hahahahaha!!

I knew that the worst of the hills was over at this point so I just kept going and pushing and pushing. I did have to take a hit off my inhaler after that hill because I put so much into it.

Once I saw the intersection that brought us back home I knew I was set so I just let it rip to the dismount line and passed a few more people here.

Now I’m back at the transition area for my second transition (T2). I put so much effort into the bike that I was in a daze. Scott and Ray and several other people were right by the rack and yelling things at me like “take off your sunglasses” (thanks Scott) and then Ray yelled at me to take my number/skirt off. Thanks Ray! I know there were other people there probably shouting and I’m sorry…those are the only two that I heard.

I knew this transition would be slow because I had to redo my hair to get it under my swim cap. I had done the run and the bike with a low ponytail so I could just put my bike helmet right on but now I had to go to a high ponytail. That took some time. I also drank here although not near the amount I should have.

I slipped my shoes and socks off and power walked it to out of the transition area to the pool. There was no running for me because of my sensitive feet. I remember looking for the rubbery parts where they repaired cracks to walk on. Ha! I bet I was a sight to see.

Yay to the swim! I had been looking forward to this point the whole race. As soon as I get through the door to the pool I put my goggles on and the volunteer race guy was there telling me to get in at that point. I heard people yelling my name. Don’t know exactly who it was but thanks! I couldn’t see anything through my goggles! I was so sweaty when I put them on that they instantly fogged up. That’s why I was concerned that the lane lines were so pale. With foggy goggles they all just blurred together and I guessed as to where I was in the lane. I only had one major snafu (is that a word?) during the swim. I was about 250 meters into the swim and I just couldn’t catch my breath for the best of me so I remembered Marc saying to do the backstroke so I did that for about 20 yards or so. Did the trick just perfect and I was able to finish the last 100 meters feeling very strong and picking up speed.

The swim wasn’t as bad as I had thought it would be. I don’t remember getting passed at all. I wish I would have kept track of all the people I passed though! That was the best part of it all! I felt like I just flew through the swim and it was over before I knew it!

The only major hiccup (other than the backstroke) is I passed this girl doing the breast stroke. I did what I was supposed to do as I approached and I tapped her left ankle. No response. Tapped again. Same thing. Third time I actually put my hand around her ankle. No response and she kept on frog kicking. I was tired of messing with it at this point and sped up to pass her. She just kept on going with her stroke. Note: other people doing the breaststroke that I passed would at least switch to a one legged frog kick and changed their hands so they wouldn’t hit me after I tapped them. This girl didn’t do any of that and actually socked me really good right in my side just as I was overtaking her. So I take my stroke (freestyle) but bring my right hand out from my body during the pull phase of the stroke (very inefficient I know) and wacked her back. Probably not the right thing to do but I tried and tried to tell her I was there and the she wacked me. It hurt! She got me right in my right side just below my ribs!!!

I remember looking up on my last 50 meter lap to spot the ladder I needed to get out at. All I kept thinking is that ladder is coming up and I couldn’t wait to finish my first tri. I came to a ladder at the 25 meter point and thought that was it. I put my head up to spot and realized I still had a little bit to go so I huffed it out to the second ladder and shot right out of the pool, walked very fast to the door with the timing mat and rejoiced that I finished!

There was a guy there who took my chip off my ankle and handed my chip holder back to me then I made it back inside to meet Scott and friends. It was the best feeling ever!!!

My first words when I saw everyone (besides no hugs right now can’t breathe) is “That was fun!!!!!!! When is the next one?!?!?!?!?!”

Then I was asking for my inhaler. You see, I forgot to take my inhaler out of my pocket during T2 so I threw it out before I got into the pool and I really needed it when I finished. Luckily Mike, Val’s husband was there and had his inhaler on him and let me use it (same medicine as the one I have).

Andie was at the pool when I finished so I went over and talked to her and gave her a big hug! I told her thanks for putting this whole tri thing in my head almost 5 years ago! She’s so awesome!

I didn’t place in my category (Athena) but I did come in 5th place! This is the highest I’ve ever finished in any race I’ve been in.

I’m thinking there may be a triathlete in me just waiting to come out! Needless to say that it definitely suits my ADD personality. J

Biggest mistake made during the race: HYDRATION!!! Next time I need to make sure I drink way more fluids than I did! I maybe took in 10 ounces during the whole race. Dumb dumb mistake! For the next one I will keep water and sport beans on my bike and make myself drink all the water.

Biggest mistake during training: not concentrating enough on running. But now that I realize that, I can fix it for my next one.

A major thanks to all the people who supported me though this journey. I wouldn’t have had the experience I did if it weren’t from all the great advice I got!

Here is my official time:

Place Age state Total Run Pace T1 Bike Mph T2 Swim

5 Terie 29 NM 1:38:33.45 34:47 11:36 1:08 49:26 15.1 2:25 10:49

Notice that there is no penalty! Yay!


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About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life


About Me

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I graduated nursing school in early May 2010. I am also very involved in ITF Taekwon-Do, cycling, triathlons, and just living an active life
